Himachal and Kinner Kailash! March 03 2015
Since we will be launching our Himachali collection- Kinner Kailash- soon, we though it might be a good idea to start sharing anecdotes and pictures of our travels to this incredibly unique and beautiful land!
Himachal is one of my most favourite states in India and I've not only visited it as tourist but I also spent a month there as a Nift student for my Craft Documentation project. Years later I did a Kinnauri shawl revival project for the Textiles Ministry during which I made multiple trips to Kinnaur.....I'd like to think Himachal likes me keeps calling me back! :)
Starting with a few pictures from my personal album....we'll be sharing more about the crafts and jewellery traditions of Himachal over next few days. Please excuse the picture qualities....these were taken a few years back by a trusted 5 MP digi cam!
The mighty Himalayas! The peak in the picture is Kinner Kailash- held sacred by both Hindus and Buddhists. Legend has it that Lord Shiva resided and meditated here to destroy the deadly demon Bhasmasur.
Could there have been a better name for our collection?!
For rest of the pictures click on the original post on our Facebook page posted on 4th March, 2015.